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Sitemap Writer Pro - F.A.Q.





Q. How to create Sitemap with sitemap index file with Sitemap Writer Pro ver. 5 and higher?
A. Sitemap Writer Pro (version 5 and higher) automatically creates sitemap index file in case the number of website pages exceeds 50.000

Q. Why it is not impossible to change the name of the website while editing in Sitemap Writer Pro ver. 5 and higher?
A. A new idea is introduced in Sitemap Writer Pro, namely: Project that refers to a particular website. If it is necessary to create a new sitemap for another website, a new Project must be created.

Q. How to use gzip compression when exporting sitemap?
A. Check the respective checkbox in File Settings >> Use Gzip compression.

Q. It is written *.smwp when trying to save the file to hard drive.
A. *.smwp is the file extension of Sitemap Writer Pro Project file, which includes miscellaneous information about settings (like settings of the project and crawler, FTP info, etc.), besides information relating to sitemap. If you need to save a file as an XML sitemap, just click the XML button.

Q. Why the crawler does not stop at once when clicking Stop?
A. The crawler of Sitemap Writer Pro is a multithread one, and it opens up to 40 connections at the same time. Thus, some time needed to close all those connections.

Q. Does the increase in number of crawlers have impact on slowdown of the work?
A. Possibly, Yes. It depends on the Internet connection speed of the user. In general, the optimal number of crawlers is 5-8.

Q. How does the crawler decide the Priority values of the URLs?
A. The values depend on the depth of the URLs versus the home page. The mechanism of the prioritization could be set in Crawler Settings>>General Settings tab.

Q. I have a forum which adds a "session id" parameter in the end of every URL. How can I remove them?
A. You can add the name of needed parameter in the Crawler Settings>>Remove Parameter tab.

Q. How to streamline the crawler to crawl the needed website pages only?
A. The Crawler Settings has Exceptions and Include tabs. The URLs containing strings added to Exceptions tab will be ignored by the crawler. The crawler will ignore all URLs except the URLs containing strings added to Include tab.

Q. What are the advantages of generation of Google Images Sitemap or inclusion of images info to Standard Sitemap?
A. Many of our customers state that generation of Google Images Sitemap has increased their website traffic up to 30% thanks to Google Images Search. In some case the additional traffic increases up to 50%.

Q. What Include and Exclude filters are for when adding images info to Standard Sitemap?
A. In case of some engines the images, besides the main page, could be shown on other pages as well (e.g. recent news, tags, latest 10 posts in Wordpress, etc.)

Q. How to choose images to add to the sitemap?
A. There are several filters and settings that could help to choose the images. Those are located in Project Settings >> Google Images. Three tabs are available in the menu: Filters, Crawler settings for Google images and Optional Attributes.

Q. My website has an RSS feed. Is there an option to make is Google news sitemap?
A. Yes, you can do it very easily. Just create a Google News Sitemap project and import your RSS.

Q. Can I run Sitemap Writer Pro on Windows Server 2008?
A. Yes, you can run Sitemap Writer Pro on Windows Server 2008 and crawl your website locally. In this case the speed of the crawling process will be definately higher.

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Article ID: 2
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2010-06-17 18:28:41
Views: 12966
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.5/5.0 (102)

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