How to create Sitemap with sitemap index file with Sitemap Writer Pro ver. 5 and higher?
Why it is not impossible to change the name of the website while editing in Sitemap Writer Pr... |
If the website pages are created in a certain pattern you can simplify the process of sitemap generation.
for example :
http://w... |
It is very easy to create Google News Sitemap using your RSS feed. Just follow the steps below.
1. Create a new Google News Sitemap project
2. Import RSS feed via Project>Import>RSS 2.0
... |
Use ',' as a separator.
In first line set corresponding tag names.
http://www.sitemapwriter.com/,monthly,1.0,2007-1... |
Some websites has frames with "src" attribute. For successful crawling you must add "src" attribute in "Crawler settings" -> "Processing Attributes". |
Step by step guide for adding images to an existing sitemap.
Step 1: Open sitemap. Click on "Open file from Internet" menu.
Step 2: Write down or select sitemap URL amd click on "O... |